What kind of federal certification process do you have to meet?
"Have" to? As we've been growing, this is one of the things that has surprised us the most, that there aren't more standards that are required.
It seems that the industry is self-regulating,

and each O.E.M. has their own standards, and while debating that here isn't the intent, there are a few that are used by many.
The tests, in addition to our own, that we are going to use as a minimum, are the "AK Master, Pikes Peak, and L.A. City test" as defined by the SAE.
The two tests that we are developing in-house are based on our own experience and also developed from one of the forum members who road courses. One of these is roughly based on VMax to zero, and the other is endurance around a road course.
Once we pass each of these, then there is yet a durability (cyclic) test, although there is some debate as to whether or not the culmination of the above tests will accomplish that.