The funniest thing about the video is how Dodge is (painfully) trying to EXPLAIN this move...It was a tad pathetic "why are we doing this?"..and the best part was their attempt at saying their KEY demographic -right now- are phone-idolizing millennials. lmao! And that THAT group will be buying 900hp electric cars yeah. no.
if dodge is betting the farm on this I hope they have many other farms to fall back on!
I supervise a lot of Millenials and many of them don't own -any- cars. they are big on rideshare and are NOT a car-loving generation (on average). It's a-b for most of them....the 20-30-year-olds that do own are mostly econ boxes, hybrids, electric, etc.
dodge is conflating EV preference with wanting MUSCLE EV. Wow is that a leap! I highly doubt that group will come in droves. they better count on gen-x to save the day for them. but many Gen Xers (me included) were raised on 60s muscle (80s blew chunks) and not big fans of the EV wave (at least for performance)...
Then again, I could be all wet.
Wouldn't be the 1st time!