Thats why this was posted after I said we all have opinions! "If your baby has been hibernating for a while, without a start, then the oil might gradually concede to gravity and slide down to low spots or into the oil pan. That leaves some high-stress surfaces that are metal on metal. When you go to start it up, there’s that moment where the engine is firing and spinning before the pump is able to push the oil everywhere it needs to be."
Why wait till spring if you start it like the article says! Don't make a mountain out of a mole hill! The article is 100 percent correct! Not trying to argue, but how many engines do you know that have been ruined by someone running it every so often during storage. I am a farmer and we have big engines on tractors that we start, as well as I would say 50 cars I have had. Never ever been an issue. Just saying!
Sure you can wait and never start it, using your procedure for not starting the engine to solve the oil pressure/film issue that you state! But if the film isn't there, because of everything being static for so long and draining back down via gravity. You have metal to metal friction to get back to the point of coating everything up. The engine still has to turn! Where as this could have been solved by simple starts every so often.
Maybe Dodge will come out with pre oilers on our engines when they think it is necessary.