To compare some data and maybe for a new thread. Understandably, DA temperature, etc. make it difficult to compare.
At Texas Mile (headwind, 98ft elevation): 1-mile run,
2019 Stock Hellcat top speed: 173.7mph
2015 aFe Magnum 2 Hellcat top speed: 174.1mph (+0.4mph)
1/2mi run was 150.5mph.
Colorado 1/2mi (tailwind, 6,187ft elevation): 1/2-mile run,
2015 Stock Hellcat top speed: 144.56mph
2015 Legmaker Hellcat top speed: 147.54mph (+2.98mph)
Intake Differences (filter area, intake tube):
aFe: 170sq-in, 39.9 tube plastic
Legmaker: 144sq-in, 28.3 tube carbon
OEM 2019+: 141sq-in, 26.8 tube plastic
OEM 2015+: 36sq-in*, 12.6 tube plastic (115 sq-in filter but flow is restricted by the lower triangular and headlamp holes)
The data suggests road course and 1/2mi+ racing benefit from an open-element filter while 1/4mi is better with closed box filters that flow better than stock (e.g. carbon fiber Drag Pak setup). The 2019+ OEM setup is the best of both worlds.
2015-2018 HC: Get a less restrictive intake than stock.
2019+: Keep the OEM or if 1/2mi+ / road racing, get a less restrictive intake than stock.