I don't know if I wood put it that way, but. As of a truth come out a couple of ages ago. I have just received my licenses back for 3rd time in the past 2 years. Amazing. Not having a ticket or accidentfor over 25 years. Insurance payments down to nothing. What had happened in the 1st case. Wrong place , wrong time, wrong mini van. Stop light, foot slipted off the clutch on the beautiful mid night blue vette at a stop. Lady jumped out of the $1,500 minivan and started yelling 911. I bumped her mini plastic bumper. No damaged,, yea her. They thought why would a $150,000 vette be in S St. Pete,,, me either. I was lost. Next thing car parked, my ass in an ambulance, 3 days later waking up in the hospital. Nothing wrong, except they wanted to run all my insurances up. A year later got a letter from the Dept of Fl Auto Dept. Wanting to know if I was mentally able to operate a vehicle. ^ months wit no license, 3 doctors, and all the transcripts from the hospital. I received tem back. This has happened to me 2 more times in the past 2 years. Did not have anything to do with alcohol, drugs, and or other autos. When you get into this spatic mode of the DMV then it is hell to get em back. I watched individuals with walkers get there license's faster tan I have and the $$$ is a rip. I was working on my car and the accelerator got stuck, went thru the garage door, hit the retaining wall in my own yard no one involved. Put me in jail for 3 days, towed my car ,took my license, $200 ticket, go to scool, and forgot therest. In my own yard, my garage, my own car. Figure that one out. Thejudge laughed thru his Rueben Sammy. Drivers tests, eye exams, license disloved until paid my way out. Don't get one of these,,, says the Hickster. Hell Cat Ha, not even a 2nd look.