Well got the news from my agent this morning...the kid that caused the accident has the minimum liability through Geiko..(go figure)..it won't even cover the damage to my truck..then ..get this..he damaged the guard rail...so even though the guard rail was the last thing damaged...the state of NY is first in line for payment...WTF..so now I have to use my collision coverage ...then they in turn subrogate against his company for what's ever left of his 10,000 coverage...the repair shop now has to wait for my adjuster to access the damage...the shop told me it will be totaled...I called Northtown on the blvd..(my dealer...) the truck is leased through Chrysler financial,,,I told them i cant wait for i's to be dotted and t's crossed...I NEED A NEW TRUCK NOW...It's the middle of Nov. and this is my primary plow vehicle..the weather is great today ...but this is Buffalo...so now @ 1 I'm off to see the neurologist..tmro MRI....this shit is fuckin up my whole week....it doesn't help that patience is not my greatest virtue