There are a couple of things to consider in this whole debacle. I'll start with the car itself before I get into the legal aspects.
1.) car was sold and advertised under the guise that it was the fastest car ever at 215 mph. If this is not the case then it is blatant false advertising and probably a slam dunk summary judgement in a courtroom.
2.) stay the fuck away from my MPH, the only people that need to be concerned about my MPH are me and me alone. Shimming some guesstimate about 1320' of travel and then artificially limiting my MPH is straight up dangerous. Lets say the car gets to 160mph some way and then all of a sudden the car has to be brought to 149... how? cut ignition? when suspensions unload at higher speed things can get sideways quick...
3.) if you bought the car under guise #1 and want to legitimately do texas mile or airstrip attacks once you have changed tires you should be able to change modes, if not then dodge needs to compensate you or return the car for full price and be offered a widebody RE at a severe discount
now lets get into the legal aspects of it
1.) the lawfirm should have done due diligence, ensured that damages will be paid out, this lawfirm has a record of winning so who knows where this goes, chances are a lawyer at the firm bought one and got pissed off when he found this 🤣 after paying 50k adm.
2.) i wasn't able to find a filing in any FL courts with a docket number so there's that...
3.) if the judge certs it due to #1 above it will be sent to arbitration and dodge will have to come to the table with something
I think that Dodge should have made available the option to go faster as advertised with a simple press of a button. TBH I was unaware that the car was limited to over 149 for a brief window, as well as probably 99.9% of the buyers, they don't let you read the manual before hand to uncover this fuckery. However there is precedent for this, dodge straight up tells you with the Super Stock it is MPH limited.
At the end of the day I have no sympathy for Demon 170 owners and I have no sympathy for Stellantis, both deserve to get fucked. 🤣