I think that falls into category of nitpicking. If there was no trunk release at the trunk, I think that would be a valid deficit to cite. Similar with door handles. Similar with, I shudder, needing to press Controls icon to access seat heater controls. The parking brake is a bit old school, but even with clutch on M6, the parking brake function is plenty intuitive and no issue after 1st use.
Its not about defending USA or Dodge, nitpicking just annoys when it obscures the main story...HCs are wild and worth every nickel paid.
Think about the kind of irrational people who argue inane topics on Facebook, get pissy when their name is misspelled on an overpriced cup of coffee, or blame fast food corporations when they have to pay for a seat belt extender.
Who's issues are these really? Yours. Find real people to talk to, make your own coffee, and try portion control.
I guess I have just lived in too many holes that I have dug into the Earth myself to give a flying fuck about a squeak, rattle, or blemish on a fast car. I also know how to appreciate a warm cup of coffee when I sitting in that cold damp hole. Perspective.
I was farting around with an inflation calculator last night and adjusted the MSRP on a couple of cars for comparison. A '87 GNX is $66K and an '02 Z06 is $71K in current FY dollars. Each a pinnacle performance car in their own right; but to go from 276hp to 405hp to 700+hp in 30 years for the same money? That's incredible. In both those cars you got air conditioning and cruise control... and that's about it (technically ABS and air bags in the Vette) for "technology". You want to talk about build quality compared to a current LA/LX chassis HC? LOL.
Nah boys. People are just whining because they have it so good and do not realize it; they just feel so hard done by because they have empty and meaningless lives... other than to consume mass quantities.