Yea 99.9% sure I had it.
I was traveling a ton for work (in Cali) and 2 days after I got home I was sick with the most rowdy flu ever. I am not one to go to the doctor if I am still breathing, so never got the official test. Few weeks later I helped a friend all weekend who was obviously very sick, but we had to press on with his project. The following Monday he thought he had Corona so he got the test, and it came back positive. I think the only reason I didn't not get sick from him when I certainly should have, if it is contagious as they say, is that I have already had it.
My symptoms were all the same as Corona, and while it sucked, it was not need for panic like the media says. I got over it and so did my friend. The normal at risk demographics that the common cold or flu can kill are the ones that need to take extra precautions. Personally I think all this has been blown far out of proportion by the media. While it is rowdy to have and highly contagious, I think a hard look at who it is really killing needs to be kept in perspective. Every single death in my state has had underlying medical conditions and most were 70-90 on top of that. -----the same that die from the flu every year.
Stay safe and healthy all my Hellcat friends!