Stay away from guys whom have dis armed them selves as no moe guy equipment. That is all I learned tonight from you dudes talkin today. New thread,,,, kids know what I learned today with the guys on the Hell Cat walk of shame. Would't tell em any way. Can't make any shine. Can't get the sugar. All the fruit is being thrown in the dump and you can get all ya want. Can't travel after dark and can't trust the water out of the springs. You will have to go to the big liquor out lets to get any,, if that is what you want to call it. Just moe filtered water with a strawberry in er. Then you look at it,,, instead of being fruit infused,, they just filled up the jar with fruit. Then what are you buying in volume. Yea,, drunkin fruit and very small amounts of shine. Better deal,,, buy yo shine and infuse it with what ever you want. 2 weeks and 2 jars out of 1 you have what flavor you want. Shine in the smokeys are selling well. Just the start of the season. Same as hurricane season. Good luck thirsty fellers.