Thanks for the info, that changes my thought process.
Do you have a TCM tune? Are you running the car in a "TRACK" transmission setting?
Your tuner (your son's tuner) will need to see the log and see when the shift is being demanded and make sure the PCM and TCM aren't allowing the car to overrev.
I would not launch a high powered car - like your son's - in 2nd gear because of something that should be handled in the tune. 2nd gear launches are band-aids for stock guys on questionable prep. A car like your son's should be using 1st gear to get the most out of the first 60' ... I imagine he didn't build a 1000hp car to limp it out of the hole.
@curt_dusterhofftuning has done a lot of tuning in this area and may be able to share his experience.