Can never be know the basic story...this example,
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weekend before Christmas, parked as far away as possible, alone. Come back to this...
The DAY I picked up my 06 SRT Charger... NEW, I came out to a 6 cylinder Charger parked next to me, like this.
I was in the farthest part of the lot.
If course, there was a note on my car that his damned kid dented my car, with his door.
This thing is... he wouldn't even pay the $80 for a paintless dent repair. I was so angry, but I just moved on.
Nothing changes... your photo is so familiar to me, I just laugh every time it happens in the HC. My wife gave me a Sharpie pen and when someone parks like an idiot, next to me, I leave them a nasty gram on their driver window. LOL
Riverside, California
EDIT: I just remembered that a friend of mine, with an amazing 1959 Cadillac hearse, carries construction cones and places them on either side of his car, when he goes out. Imma get a pair of those...