I went to a local Dodge dealer, the day that dodge.com listed the new 2022 Charger jail break model. I asked the hellcat specialist salesman about its availability? He said they had a new Challenger JB in stock. Then he offered to bring it around.
I told him I wanted a Charger. I asked about building the 2022 JB Charger that I wanted. He left for a while and came back saying they couldn't guarantee the finance rate. Plus they wouldn't take a 2022 JB order?

In my eyes the slight up cost of the 2022 JB seems great.
Sooo why does the Dodge.com web site let you build your dream car. With no word of its availability? Or how limited the total allotment is?
It seems a little honesty up front would go a long way.
I'm just not real sure, how a shiny $30,000.00 car wash. Helps the cars appearance. (or value) Though a $25,000.00 paint job sure does.
My dad said after the last depression, cash was king. Now with the some dealers ordering last minute 2021 Hellcats. The finance fine print says you must take delivery before January 1. In less than two weeks they will be last years model.