Not the HC, but the HC chariot.
Took it to Street Night Wed, signals, brake lights and brakes worked fine. On the way home, the running lights didn’t work! It was dusk, only 20mi, made it home without getting pulled over.
Stupid mfr has an opening at the end of the longitudinal frame tubes perfect for a mouse to enter and make a home. And they found the wire insulation to be very tasty! Spent most of today flushing and vacuuming out mouse nests, making covers for the openings, and ripping out old wire. It looks like only the running lights are affected, they shorted and blew the fuse.
I now need to run new wires for the running lights, this time in plastic conduit and routed under the deck instead of inside the tubes. (All the original wiring that was not in the tubes was fine. Apparently mice only eat wires inside their house!
One more afternoon and it’ll be better than new!
BTW: I sprayed Kroil into the frame tubes hoping it will discourage potential new residents until I can repair and reinstall the running lights.